15-Minute Sweep:
Take 15 minutes a day to quickly sweep through each room of your home throwing away garbage, picking up laundry, hanging up coats, putting away shoes, putting away toys, piling up paperwork/mail, and placing items in the room where they belong. You are not organizing or sorting in this process, you are simply restoring order to each room. This task can be done at anytime during your day. For me, it works best at the end of the evening before I go to bed so I know I can wake the next day with a sense of order and clarity.
Being consistent and completing this task EVERY day will minimize feeling overwhelmed by clutter in your home. If you struggle with being consistent in the beginning, write down your "15-Minute Sweep" goal somewhere you will see it and read it everyday. After a couple weeks of consistency your 15-minute sweep will be second nature. Happy Sweeping!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! I hate waking up to a mess and I will be starting this today, I have the perfect basket. Great tip!
I completely agree with this! I tell my husband if we would just spend 15 minutes a day organizing the house would always be clean. I don't always have the energy for that though, so I'm getting used to a bit of clutter. It drives me nuts, but I suppose there are worse things!
ReplyDeleteGreat tip. I should do it. Picking up at the end of the day always seems overwhelming. I think it would seem less a chore doing a 15 minute sweep.
ReplyDeleteIve been doing this for ages especially when someone is on there way over i just do a quick sweep of the place :D